Sunday, March 20, 2011

Patience....a virtue I lack

So I love hair blogs. I skim through them several times a day. I stalk waiting for her latest updates. And the wonderful women who are featured and follow these blogs are inspirations to me. The problem that I come across with these blogs is all the HUGE AND GORGEOUS HAIR!!! I've been natural for two years now and my hair is not as long and big and wonderful as I want it to be. I want my big hair and I want it NOW! I just want my hair to grow grow grow!! This feeling USED to make me want to run out and get some weave. Big curly gorgeous weave. I did it a while ago to make sure my face could carry it. It totally can. So now I'm ready! Ready for my big hair! So I've accepted the Kim Coles Grow out challenge. I now have some of the most spoiled hair around. I'm researching the best moisturizers and routines for my hair. When I'm at work I can't wait to get home and it's time to seal my ends. My coworkers come in with their regularly updated styled hair and I'll wear the same protective tiny bun for days on end. I'm committed to this challenge. I want inches! I want them FAST but I am going to be gentle and patient. Soooo patient. Take every precaution and measure necessary. And stick with my healthy hair routines. As a matter of fact, I have to go now. It's Henna day!

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